How to remove facial hair

How To Remove Facial Hair At Home

All women have facial hair as it is normal. However, if you want to remove them at home, there are easy and effective ways to go about it. Let's take a look at a few of them.

facial hair removal at home

Facial hairs are a common body response to protect our skin from external damage. However, with the latest tools and methods, it has become easy to get rid of facial hair according to our personal preferences. There are a plethora of easy ways for facial removal at home that you can try. Don't know where to start? We are here to help!

Today we will be talking about how to remove hair from the face using easy methods. So let's get right into it, shall we? 

How To Remove Facial Hair At Home

There are several effective methods for facial hair removal at home that you can try. Here is how to remove facial hair at home. 

  • Tweezing

    Tweezing is one of the most common and effective ways of facial hair removal at home. You can simply use a tweezer to pluck unwanted facial hair around your eyebrows, upper lip or chin. 

  • Hair Removal Creams

    There are several hair removal creams for face hair removal that you can use. These creams are depilatories that break down the hair for easy removal. However, as these creams can contain chemicals, it is advisable to use this method scarcely. 
  • Waxing

    Waxing is a commonly used body hair removal method as it is efficient. Waxing is also a method for facial hair removal at home that you can use. Simply apply a natural warm wax on your face and use waxing strips to rip the hair. Do not forget to moisturise your skin after waxing, as it can make your skin sensitive. 

You can try Pure Sense's Hydrating Sleeping Mask after removing facial hair at home to help your skin relax with the cooling effects of cucumber and hyaluronic acid. Moreover, as Pure Sense is entirely chemical-free and contains natural goodness, it will help your skin relax. 

Hydrating sleeping mask
  • Threading 

    Threading is also a common face hair removal method that we have been using for years. This method is effective in trimming eyebrows and cleaning upper lips. However, this method is relatively difficult to try at home by yourself.
  • Shaving

    While we do not recommend shaving your facial hair, it is an effective method to quickly get rid of unwanted hair. However, as women's skin is softer than men's, the chances of cuts, razor burns and redness are higher. 

Now let's take a look at some of the ways how to remove facial hair naturally. 

What Are The Best Natural Methods To Remove Facial Hair?

Now let's talk about how to remove facial hair at home using natural methods.

Sugar and Lemon Juice

As sugar is a natural exfoliator and lemon is a natural bleaching agent, this method will help in removing the facial hair naturally. 

  • Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice and sugar with eight to nine tablespoons of water. Heat the mixture until it bubbles and let it cool. 
  • Apply the mixture to your face and keep it on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water while rubbing in circular motions.

Lemon and Honey

face hair removal

The bleaching properties of lemon, when combined with honey, create a natural wax.

  • Add two tablespoons of lemon juice with sugar and one tablespoon of honey.
  • Heat the mixture for about three minutes and add water to form a wax-like consistency.
  • Apply the paste to your facial hair after it cools down and spread the paste in the direction of hair growth. 
  • Use a waxing strip or cotton cloth to pull the hair out. 

Oatmeal and Banana

Oatmeal makes for a great exfoliator, and the banana will help in nourishing your skin while naturally removing facial hair. 

  • Blend two tablespoons of oatmeal with a ripe banana and apply the paste to the affected areas.
  • Massage in a circular motion for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

These are some of the natural face hair removal methods that you can try at your home. We hope this answers your question of how to remove hair from the face. 

What Are The Side Effects Of Removing Facial Hair?

There are no major side effects of removing facial hair. However, the temporary side effects depend upon the method you use to remove hair at home. For instance, if you shave, you might get razor burns and skin irritation. You can also observe redness during waxing, threading or tweezing. However, the majority of these effects are temporary and will vanish within a few minutes. 


These are some of the face hair removal methods that you can try at home. Using these natural methods to remove hair will also help in nourishing your face as these ingredients are rich in nutrients. 

FAQ On Removing Facial Hair 

  • How to remove hair from the face?

    If you are wondering how to remove hair from the face, you can try at-home methods such as waxing, shaving, threading, and tweezing. You can also try natural methods such as a combination of lemon and sugar, lemon and honey, or oatmeal and banana. 
  • How to remove facial hair permanently?

    If you want to remove facial hair permanently, you can opt for laser hair removal or try waxing which can remove your facial hair for several weeks depending upon your hair growth.

  • What is the best way to remove facial hair?

    The best and easiest way to remove facial hair is by using natural ingredients such as honey, sugar, oatmeal, banana, etc., as these ingredients will also simultaneously nourish your skin.