Moisturise dry skin in summer

Ways keep your skin hydrated in summer

Your skin is the most exposed and susceptible to weather conditions. For this reason, you should know how to tend to your skin and keep it moisturised and hydrated. By using the right products, you can save your skin from getting dehydrated. 

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Hydrate your skin

It is every girl’s dream to have supple and glowing skin throughout the four seasons and 365 days a year. But we all know by now that nature has different plans for us. Getting exposed to UV rays from the sun can leave your skin tanned, dull, and dry. So, it is essential to keep updating yourself throughout the four seasons when it comes to your skincare routine. And now that summers are here, you will need to hydrate your skin, and if you are someone who likes to explore the world out in the sun, it is high time you started researching how to moisturise dry skin in summer.  

What is hydrated skin?

If you are wondering how to hydrate your skin, you must understand the basics of your skin type to choose the right products. So, let us get to the basics of skin composition and structure. The skin has a lot of protein, with collagen being the most important. Collagen is a complex protein dependent on fats, vitamins, antioxidants and other molecules like hyaluronic acid to stay healthy and give glowing and hydrated skin. Give your body the right nutrients and apply the right products to your face, and this is how you keep skin hydrated in summer. Your skin will be soft as butter and as supple as a mango.

What causes dehydrated skin?

face moisturiser for summer

Excessive sun exposure, unhealthy diet and lifestyle can all lead to dehydrated skin. You can naturally spot if your skin is dehydrated by looking out for the following signs:

  • Your skin is usually shining and oily but has suddenly become dry.
  • You have bumps all around the face, especially on the forehead and cheeks.
  • Your skin feels stretchy.
  • Your skin appears scaly.
  • You have white marks on your skin after bath or after running your nails through.
  • Your skin feels rough or patchy.
  • You have dry lips.

These can all be signs that your skin is not well hydrated, and you need to moisturise it. And not just your face, but your body and lips as well. Try Pure Sense’s Macadamia Deep Nourishing Body Butter and Macadamia Nourishing Lip Balm to treat and hydrate your skin and lips.

Dehydrated skin vs dry skin

Dehydrated skin and dry skin are often used synonymously. But these are two entirely different terms. Dry skin is something that you have by birth. Having dry skin implies that you have fewer natural oils or sebum than what is required for your skin. Sebum is the oil that your body synthesises in response to your hormones. Many people have dry skin, which does not mean that you have a problem with your hormones. It is just by nature and genes that you have dry skin. You can always moisturise dry skin in summer well with Pure Sense’s Macadamia Deep Nourishing Body Butter and forget that you have dry skin.

On the other side, dehydrated skin is a condition that happens to you in response to environmental or dietary changes. UV rays from the sun, excessive junk, inflammatory foods and caffeine, and other unhealthy habits can lead to dehydrated skin. Here is when your skincare routine—the moisturiser you use, the masks you apply, the night cream and the lip balm you use, the amount of water you drink, and the number of fruits you eat—come into the picture. 

How to hydrate and moisturise your skin in summer

Hydrate your skin

After understanding the basics, let us now see how to moisturise and hydrate your skin in summer. Hydrating and moisturising your skin cannot be treated as two separate steps because only moisturising your skin well can hydrate it. A few skincare routines that you can follow every day are discussed below:

  • Drink enough water

Only if your body has enough water can it be distributed to the skin. One of the earliest signs of dehydration is thirst and yellow coloured urine. Make sure that you drink at least 2-3 litres of water every day. 

  • Keep your body cool

In summer, with the room temperature being on the higher side, it is natural that our body temperature rises as well. Also, when you are under stress or anger, you can notice your face becoming red and hot. These can impact your skin negatively by causing dehydration, painful breakouts, and more. So try to keep your body cool by remaining calm. You can practise yoga or meditation, which is good for your overall health.

  • Detox at least once every week

Your skin is the manifestation of what is in your gut, stomach and liver. So, if you eat healthy foods, you can keep your skin healthy too. But, in today's world, it has become nearly impossible to find fruits, vegetables and crops without pesticides and other chemicals. So, along with the goodness of these fruits and vegetables, we are forced to take in good amounts of toxins as well. So, it becomes highly significant that we remove these toxins from our bodies at least once every week. A healthy body from the inside is healthy skin on the outside. 

  • Moisturise your skin

Moisturiser is an essential step of the skincare routine because it stays on your skin whether or not you apply makeup. A good moisturiser that can restore the skin’s natural composition and one that can repair damaged and dehydrated skin is all you should be looking for. For good skin, it is essential to moisturise dry skin in summer. Apply moisturiser every time you wash.

  • Go minimal on makeup

Too much makeup can interact with the natural oil and proteins in your skin and cause dehydration; so can using too many different products from different brands. So keep your makeup to a minimum and always stick to products that suit your skin.

  • Use face masks regularly

A DIY face mask or a store-bought sheet mask is all that it takes to restore the hydration of your skin. You can make masks out of colourful fruits, bananas, tomatoes, lemons etc., and achieve a parlour-like glow in minutes just by sitting at your home. Face masks are a recent success formula that can give you instantly glowing and supple skin. They also moisturise dry skin in summer. So, try them when you have time, at least twice or thrice a week.

  • Cleanse your skin the right way

Ideally, keeping skin from dirt, oil, and pollution is vital to keep it hydrated. Make sure you wash your face at least twice every day with cold water. Avoid too much heat on your skin as it can make it look dehydrated, dull and tanned.

Products to moisturise and  hydrate your skin

Macadamia Body Butter

It is important how you keep your skin hydrated in summer. Look for products that can restore the natural composition of your skin and those that can keep your skin healthy from within. As discussed above, collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and natural fats from oil and butter are the important ones that you should be looking for in your moisturiser. Try Pure Sense’s Macadamia Deep Nourishing Body Butter to treat and hydrate your skin. Also, try our Macadamia Nourishing lip balm to keep your lips hydrated throughout the day. These products are created after much research on the essentials of keeping the skin healthy, hydrated and supple. The macadamia oil found in these two products moisturise dry skin of lips in summer and makes them look shiny on the outside. 

Macadamia Lip Balm

This should have provided you with a clear picture of how to keep skin hydrated in summer and what you should do and apply to your skin during summer to make it look hydrated, well-nourished and supple. Be well-informed before searching for products to use on your skin because that makes the whole skincare routine so easy and simple.

FAQs on ways to keep skin hydrated in summer

  • How can I hydrate my skin naturally?

    • Try to eat organic fruits and vegetables to avoid the toxins found in pesticides. 
    • Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and sleep well to detoxify your body. A healthy body from the inside is healthy skin on the outside. 
    • A slight temperature rise can also make your skin look dehydrated and dull. So keep your body cool by eating cool foods like tender coconut, cucumber, mint, etc.
    • Avoid inflammatory foods like dairy, sugar, gluten and spicy.
    • Use the right moisturiser every day after every cleanse.
    • Avoid applying too much makeup, and make sure you remove all your makeup before going to bed at night.

  • How can I hydrate my skin from the inside?

    Your skin is the manifestation of what is in your gut, stomach and liver. So, if you eat healthy foods, you can keep your skin healthy as well. Colourful fruits loaded with antioxidants, a lot of water and enough vitamins can do wonders for your skin. Ensure you are eating right and drinking ample water.

    If you have naturally dry skin, in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle, take extra care. You should know how to keep skin hydrated in summer

  • How do I keep my skin hydrated all day? 

    There is no need to keep thinking about your skin the whole day if you are healthy and using the right products for your skin. The products you are opting for your skin should have all the essential ingredients to restore your skin’s natural composition and go a step beyond in repairing the damaged cells as well. Look for products that will restore your skin’s natural composition and those that will keep your skin healthy from within.

    Collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and natural fats from oil and butter can help to keep your skin hydrated. You should look for a moisturiser that has these ingredients. Natural oils in the form of butter from seeds are a trend these days because they leave the skin non-greasy and are not too heavy on the skin. One of the main talking points of butter forms of moisturisers is that they do not give an oily look and instead make the skin look supple and shiny.