Yoga For Eyes & Dark Circles

Yoga For Eyes & Dark Circles

Have you been looking for the perfect way to reduce dark circles naturally? Yoga might be the answer for you. 


Dark circles are a common problem that can happen due to a variety of reasons. While there are extensive skin care practices that you should follow, you can maximise the results by following certain yoga practices. Yoga is one of the best ways to take care of your body naturally by following certain practices. These exercises help to improve blood circulation in your body and strengthen your muscles.
Luckily, yoga can also be beneficial for removing dark circles. Today we will take a look at some practices of yoga to remove dark circles. So let’s begin, shall we?

What Causes Dark Circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common cosmetic concern that can affect people of all ages and skin types. There are many factors that can contribute to the development of dark circles, including:

  1. Genetics: Dark circles can be hereditary, meaning they may be passed down from parents to their children.
  2. Ageing: As we age, the skin under our eyes becomes thinner, making blood vessels more visible and causing dark circles to appear.
  3. Lack of sleep: Not getting enough sleep can cause the skin to become pale, making blood vessels and dark circles more visible.
  4. Dehydration: When the body is dehydrated, the skin can become dull and appear darker, including under the eyes.
  5. Allergies: Allergies can cause inflammation and swelling, making dark circles more prominent.
  6. Sun exposure: Excessive sun exposure can cause the skin to produce more melanin, leading to hyperpigmentation and dark circles.
  7. Poor diet: A diet high in processed foods and lacking in nutrients can contribute to poor skin health, including the development of dark circles.
  8. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as anaemia or thyroid problems, can cause dark circles to appear.

It's important to identify the underlying cause of your dark circles in order to effectively treat them. In some cases, lifestyle changes such as getting more sleep or drinking more water can help reduce the appearance of dark circles. In other cases, medical treatment or cosmetic procedures may be necessary. You can also practise yoga to remove dark circles. Let’s take a look at some of the eye exercises for dark circles. 

4 Yoga To Remove Dark Circle

Dark circles under the eyes are a common cosmetic concern and can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, ageing, lack of sleep, allergies, and dehydration. Yoga can help address some of these underlying factors, as well as improve blood circulation and reduce stress, which can contribute to the appearance of dark circles.

  • Viparita Karani, or Legs Up the Wall Pose, is a restorative yoga pose that helps improve blood circulation to the face and reduce tension in the neck and shoulders. This can help reduce the appearance of dark circles by improving lymphatic drainage and reducing inflammation.
  • Matsyasana, or Fish Pose, is another yoga pose that can help reduce dark circles. This pose helps stretch and tone the muscles of the neck and face, improving blood circulation and reducing tension. It can also help improve digestion and reduce stress, which can contribute to the appearance of dark circles.
  • Halasana, or Plow Pose, is a forward fold that stretches the muscles of the back and neck, improving blood circulation and reducing tension. This pose can help reduce dark circles by improving lymphatic drainage and reducing inflammation.
  • Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, is a backbend that helps improve blood circulation to the face, reducing the appearance of dark circles. It also helps stretch and strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulders, reducing tension and improving posture.

In addition to these yoga poses, it's important to address other factors that can contribute to the appearance of dark circles, such as getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and managing allergies. A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables can also help improve skin health and reduce inflammation

Remember, it's always important to listen to your body and consult with a certified yoga instructor before starting any new yoga practice.


While yoga can be a great way to remove dark circles, following a skincare routine is vital to avoid any skincare problems. Always use natural skin care products from brands such as Pure Sense to avoid any unnecessary complications. You can try Pure Sense Brightening Sheet Mask with vitamin C and Papaya to brighten your skin and reduce dark circles. 

FAQs On Yoga For Dark Circles

  • Can we remove dark circles through yoga? 

Yoga can help reduce the appearance of dark circles by improving blood circulation, reducing stress, and promoting lymphatic drainage. However, it's important to keep in mind that dark circles can be caused by a variety of factors, and yoga may not be effective in all cases. For example, if your dark circles are primarily caused by genetics or ageing, yoga may not be able to completely remove them.

That being said, there are several yoga poses that can be beneficial for reducing the appearance of dark circles. These poses help improve blood circulation to the face and promote lymphatic drainage, which can reduce inflammation and improve skin health. 

  • Does Surya namaskar reduce dark circles?

Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 yoga postures that are performed in a sequence. It is a dynamic and energising practice that can have many health benefits, including improving blood circulation and reducing stress. However, while Surya Namaskar can be beneficial for overall health and wellness, it is not specifically targeted at reducing dark circles.

That being said, Surya Namaskar can help improve blood circulation to the face and promote lymphatic drainage, which can reduce inflammation and improve skin health. This can indirectly contribute to reducing the appearance of dark circles. Additionally, Surya Namaskar can help reduce stress, which can contribute to the development of dark circles.